Shouguang yunhao The Export Company Limited​

Our main products are colorful pepper, red onion, pumpkin, cabbage, cabbage, carrots, etc..

The characteristics of sweet pepper

Shouguang pepper prices Xiaobian to introduce the characteristics of sweet pepper

Commonly known as pepper pepper, pepper, pepper, Taiwan, also known as the big tube Tsai is Solanaceae capsicum pepper a variant, distributed in China, North and south parts of, belonging to the "non artificial introduction and cultivation of" types of plants. Compared with the ordinary pepper, taste is not very hot or spicy, selec the skin tight, glossy surface of the sweet pepper as well.

Green pepper is very suitable for raw vegetables, rich in vitamin C and B and carrots for strong antioxidant, anti cataract, heart disease and cancer. The more red pepper nutrition, contains vitamin C than other citrus fruits, so more suitable for eating. Pepper can also increase appetite and help prevent antipyretic Jiangzhijianfei digestion. Because of its bright green, a new cultivated varieties there are red, yellow, purple, etc. a variety of colors, so not only can self into a dish, is also widely used to garnish.